Thursday, July 23, 2009

S. D. McKee - Defeated (Darkness Among The Stars, Book 1)

The years is 2271.
Jonathon Quinn, decorated war hero and captain of the flagship Intimidator, has been ordered to oversee Operation Giant Leap, mankind's latest attempt to shatter technological barriers of interstellar travel.
Scientists at the lunar research facility manage to create a cosmic wormhole into the Polaris System, only to make a shocking discovery.

But in a universe where all is not as is seems, discovery often proves deadly. A catastrophic accident triggers a ripple effect that reaches far beyond the Solar System, provoking an ancient darkness that stalks among the stars. Mankind is plunged into chaos. Jonathon, plagued by rising casualties, begins having induced nightmares that foreshadow the enemy's fierce appetite for destruction.

Did the scientists' grave mistake trigger the war or would the darkness have been set in motion anyway ? The answer brings Jonathon face-to-face with his own extraordinary destiny, which he must accept if he is to have any hope of altering the dire fate of all humanity.


War hero Jonathon Quinn, captain of the Interstellar Coalition Starship "Intimidator" is to oversee the scientific experiment Giant Leap/ where an artificially created quantum wormhole is enlarged to finally bring answers to interstellar travel. The probe that is send through the hole shockingly discovers another species in the Polaris system. A species that notices the intruder and destroying it.
If it weren't for the scientists guarantee that everything is fine, Jonathon would have stopped the experiment when inconsistency in the scientist calculations cause a huge explosion that possible destroyed the better part of the Polaris system.

The provoked alien species goes to war, pursuing everything human in space and finally turning towards Earth. One by one Jonathon witnesses warships and space stations, even whole planets wiped out without his own weapons doing much damage to the fleshy hull of the alien warships.

It is only when the Intimidator crew is rescued by the Kush'humani that explanations about the evil species are given, telling Jonathon about his own and humanity's heritage and his destiny to lead the Kush'humani in a war against the dark alien species.


Defeated is probably written for the hardcore sci-fi fan who doesn't shy back from scientific terminology embedded into the plot. McKee gives the reader a full description of an alien spaceship that won't be forgotten and is memorable. The authors background in Physics and Mathematics clearly show in this dark story that is difficult to comprehend but understandably and very believable written.

The only hope left is, that there truly will be a continuation. You can't begin a war and only tell about the first fight.

Visit S. D. McKee.

Paperback: 380 pages
Publisher: Behler Publications (October 1, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 193301623X
ISBN-13: 978-1933016238

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